Were in bed by 6.30pm last night! Had a warm night and slept well. Off again by 7.30am after breakfasting on a health bar and a carton of "Up and Go".
Mild weather and no wind, but hills again slowed our pace.
Some lovely downhill runs but incessant hills tired us out quickly.
For the latter part of the ride, steep hills were replaced by roller coaster hills and hollows. If we got up enough speed going down, we found that we could get half way up the next hill before running out of momentum.
All day we cycled through national park land. There was little traffic (being Sunday) which was lucky because we often had to pull right off the road when traffic approached.
We were just commenting on the complete absence of cyclists, when a young Russian cyclist, on a very flash touring bike with panniers, suddenly appeared from behind us. He was cycling from Perth to Sydney and had allowed 2 months for his trip.
A quick chat, then he was off like a rocket, leaving us behind in his wake!
Arrived at Walpole, tired and weary, at 2.00pm.
Decided to stay at a comfy new backpackers - Walpole Lodge - in the middle of town.
Took an ensuite room - with TV! Luxury!
Bought stores from the local IGA. No liquor sales on Sunday, so Del walked half a km to the local pub for a bottle of wine. We're starting to sound like alcoholics!
Did the washing and relaxed in the shade outside our room, catching up on our journals and blog.
Couldn't resist cuddling the young manager's little son while she did some cleaning!
Did 66kms today.
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