Wednesday, August 29, 2012

To Perth - and Beyond!!

We were up with the birds this morning.
After going through the final routines of closing down the house, we were collected by the airport shuttle. A quick ride to the airport, our extra large baggage was checked in without a problem and we were soon on the plane.
Arrived in Perth and took a taxi to the Perth Central Caravan Park where we had booked a small , self contained cabin .
We were ravenous and walked to the local BP station for sandwiches before unpacking the boxes. Relieved to find that the bikes and trailers had arrived in good order, save for a broken bell!
Pitch black by 6.00pm but Del insisted that he reassemble the trailers that evening and by 9.35pm Ozzie time (1.35am NZ), we were ready for bed.
The following day (August 30th) the bikes were assembled and we did a test run with the trailers. All good!
Spent the afternoon visiting Perth City - a mix of old and modern architecture, with mining businesses everywhere. Unsophisticated city commuters but no sign of poverty and so willing to help. Full sized bronze sculptures around every corner - kangaroos, people etc but main complaint - severe lack of handy supermarkets for fresh produce!

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